Interested in Recruiting from Delta Sigma Pi ?


If you are an external company, recruiter, or hiring manager, looking to hire some of the smartest, most well rounded, students Miami has to offer, we’re here to help! Miami’s Delta Sigma Pi has brothers in every major represented through the Farmer School of Business.

Why Recruit From DSP?

Brothers in the Alpha Upsilon Chapter at Miami University compose some of the best and brightest Deltasig has to offer. Our chapter is consistently ranked among the best business fraternities on campus and across the nation.


Whether you are looking to fill an internship position, or maybe a full-time offer, the brothers in Delta Sigma Pi are incredibly excited and passionate about the opportunities ahead. Not actively searching for talent? No worries, the Alpha Upsilon chapter regularly hosts guest speakers and company representatives to speak; giving brothers education and your company great exposure! Fill out the form below and our Vice President of Professionalism will reach out shortly!

Meet our Vice President of Professionalism: Bella Hughes


I'm Bella Hughes and I currently serve as the Vice President of Professionalism at the Alpha Upsilon chapter of Delta Sigma Pi. Within our chapter, you'll find an exceptional group of brothers who embody diversity, talent, and passion. Each brother brings a unique set of skills and experiences to the table, creating a vibrant and dynamic community that I'm proud to be a part of.

I'm truly excited for you to meet our brothers and witness firsthand the energy and enthusiasm they bring to everything they do. Whether you're seeking to expand your company's exposure, fill key positions, or simply connect with some of the finest individuals at Miami, I'm eager to make an introduction soon.